Skokholm Island A wonderful place
After my trip to Skomer and seeing how much I loved it, I thought I would give Skokholm Island a visit.
So in July 2013, I went to Skokholm Island off the coast of Pembrokeshire.
The Island is well known as a bird sanctuary with lots of migrants staying as they pass through. It is known mostly for its Puffins, but there are lots of other birds like Razorbill’s, Guillemot’s, Oystercatcher’s Peregrines’s, and many more.
I stayed for 5 days photographing all the amazing birds.
The accommodation is limited. The electricity comes from solar power and the only running water is in the rooms, no showers. with the very small number of people on the Island, it was bliss, I loved the solitude. I was free to wander around all alone.
The Island has been restored over the past few years after it was closed in 2007.